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All Day DevOps 2019: What to Read

Nov 12, 2019 2:34:07 PM By Katie McCaskey


We are busy organizing all the insightful, thoughtful, and educational sessions shared at All Day DevOps 2019. Be sure to check ADDO's Slack -- still open -- to find all materials related to the event.

While we organize the recordings be sure to check out the posts below. These were written live during the conference and give you a preview of sessions you may have missed. They are loosely categorized by topic.

Tools discussed during the sessions are organized here, and we welcome your additions. 

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ADDO ‘19 Keynote: Crossing the River By Feeling the Stones

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ZeroTrustOps: Securing at Scale

Observability Made Easy

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Establishing an Open Source Program Office

DevSecOps Journey in DoD Enterprise

The Intersection of Communication and Technology

The Future of Software Security and Conversations You’ll Need to Have

Docker, Kubernetes, and Containers

OWASP Top 10 Overview

Kubernetes for Developers

CI/CD for Serverless Applications on AWS